
The citron evaluator also ships with a neat little scratchpad, you can launch it like so:

$ citron -m scratchpad

Its basic functionality is to provide a neat GUI for executing and inspecting citron code.

Unlike the evaluator, it is made to allow editing and executing several lines of code (autocomplete coming soon™)

Basic usage

You simply type in some code (it even has live syntax highlighting!) and to execute a (selected) chunk of code, you press F5.

And the resulting value is inserted in the next line.

Object inspection

The scratchpad allows you to inspect an object's values and methods (read only, no modification)

To do so, simply send an inspect message to any object:

Scratchpad inspect

and a new window with the properties and methods of that object will pop up

The treeview on the left first lists the inheritance chain of the object (if any), then a bunch of '----'s, and then the properties.

Double clicking a property will show its value in the textview on the bottom, and middle-mouse-clicking on a property will inspect it.

The method list on the right is only browsable at the moment.