Control Flow

There are pretty much no keywords in citron, thus all control flow operations are carried out by interfacing the Boolean Object type.

The equivalent to a if-else structure

The method is Boolean::'either:or:', alternatively, when one of the two branches is not needed, you may use Boolean::'ifTrue:' or Boolean::'ifFalse:'

All of these take a block of code (in a basic form, code contained in { and }), and execute it if their condition is matched.

An example
var a is 123.
a > 5 either: { 
    Pen writeln: '$$a is a big number!'. 
} or: { 
    Pen writeln: '$$a is a cute little number!'. 

Should you return a value from the either:or: blocks, the whole expression will evaluate to that value.

However, remember that returning from ifTrue: or ifFalse: will return two leves instead of one.


Again, no keywords, so looping is achieved through interfacing Number (a for loop), or a block (a while loop).

Repeating an expression

Number::'times:' to the rescue!

That method will run the given block with the iteration index.

10 times: {:value
    Pen writeln: value.

Looping over a range

Number::'to:step:do:' is a basic way of looping over a range.

5 to: 50 step: 5 do: {:value
    Pen writeln: value.

While loops

To achieve a while loop, use CodeBlock::'whileTrue:' or CodeBlock::'whileFalse:'

var a is 123.
{^a sin > 0.} whileTrue: {
    Pen write: a + ' '.
    a -=: 1.


Simply use Boolean::'break' or Boolean::'continue'

Should the given boolean be true, they will break/continue the loop.

Iterating over collections

Most if not all collections support these methods (if applicable)

  • each: Simply iterates over the container, passing index(key), value, collection
  • each_v: Iterates over the container, but only passes value, collection
  • fmap: Iterates over the container, and replaces the element it has passed with the return value. passes only value
  • imap: Iterates over the container, and replaces the element it has passed with the return value. passes index, value
var arr is Array < 10 ; 20 ; 30 ; 40 ; 50.
arr fmap: {:x ^x + 2.}. # => Array < 12 ; 22 ; 32 ; 42 ; 52
arr imap: {:i:x ^x + i.}. # => Array < 10 ; 21 ; 32 ; 43 ; 54
arr each: {:i:x Pen writeln: 'Index $$i = $$x'. }. # => returns arr, prints a bunch of stuff

var map is Map fromArray: [ ['Test', 'test'], ['KEY', 'key'], [[], 'Whoa'], [1234, []] ].
map fmap: {:value ^value toString reverse.}. # => (Map new) put:'tseT' at:'Test', put:'YEK' at:'KEY', put:'][' at:([]), put:'4321' at:1234
map each: {:key:value Pen writeln: '$$key = $$value'.}. # => returns map, prints a bunch of lines