
Citron is meant to be used on UNIX-like systems, and as such it does not, and will not support Window.


Basic binary builds are provided for Linux (ELF x86_64) and Windows (PE x86_64)
You can get them from the repository releases

Building From Source

Clone the git repository at

To make a debug build in the main directory:

$ cd citron
$ make debug

or alternatively to make and install citron to the system:

$ cd citron/autohell
$ aclocal && autoconf && automake --add-missing && libtoolize
$ make && sudo make install

which will install the ctr executable, an interactive interpreter citron and the library and headers.


We will now assume you have Citron installed on your system.

Give it a go with launching the interpreter citron

Warning about copy/pasting code into the evaluator

Remember to put it in paste mode (press F2) before pasting

Exiting paste mode is just like entering it (F2)